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How Congress Works

When the founding fathers created the Constitution they wanted to ensure that every citizen would be represented. They established two houses that make up Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate. The House of Representatives is composed of 435 voting members, the number of representatives each state is allotted is dependent on the population of the state. The Senate is made up of 100 members, two Senators from each state. By separating the two branches American citizens are guaranteed equal representation. The House and the Senate make up the Legislative Branch and work together to do many things allowing this government to continue working.

The Powers of Congress

In Article One of the United States Constitution details exactly what powers are given to Congress. Congress has the power to coin money; pass laws; regulate commerce with foreign countries; declare war; maintain a navy; support the military; create post offices and roads; and collect, levy, and raise taxes.

What does the Congresswoman do?

Congressmen and Congresswomen are publicly elected officials of the United States government, coming to Washington D.C. to representing the district and state from which they came.

To be qualified a representative must be at least 25 years old, a citizen of the US for a minimum of seven years, and a resident of the district they are representing. If elected as a Representative, a term lasts for two years.

Each Representative has varying obligations depending on the party affiliation and the length of time they have been in Congress. Often a Representative is part of a committee that focuses on a specific issue. One of the most important responsibilities a Representative has is to act as a mediator between their constituents and the federal government. Many times the constituents are concerned about a particular matter and it is the Representatives job to be their voice to the federal government and also articulate the actions of the federal government to the constituents.